The following incidents occurred on Thursday, February 13, 2020:
Motor Vehicle Crash / OWI Arrest:
At approximately 12:30 a.m., Deputies responded to the N9500 block of STH 69 in the Town of New Glarus for a report of a two vehicle crash. Investigation revealed that Mark J. Thompson, 50, New Glarus, WI, was traveling southbound when he attempted to turn onto Spring Valley Rd. Thompson turned on his turn signal and reduced his speed. At this time, a vehicle traveling south on STH 69 behind Thompson’s vehicle, collided with the back of Thompson’s vehicle. The second vehicle was found to be operated by Christopher J. Coon, 45, New Glarus, WI.
Thompson reported that he was wearing his seatbelt and that he was not injured. Thompson’s vehicle sustained functional damage and the airbags did not deploy. Thompson’s vehicle was towed from the scene. Coon reported that he sustained non-life threatening injuries and that he was wearing his seatbelt. Coon’s vehicle sustained disabling damage and the airbags did not deploy. Coon’s vehicle was towed from the scene.
Investigation resulted in Coon being arrested for Operate While under the Influence (alcohol) 1st Offense. Coon was cited for Operate with a Prohibited Alcohol Concentration Greater than .15, and for Following Too Closely. Coon was released pending a court appearance.
The New Glarus Police Department assisted Deputies at the crash scene.
Motor Vehicle Crash:
At approximately 12:46 a.m., Deputies responded to the intersection of E Main St and S Center St, Browntown, WI, for a report of a single vehicle crash. Investigation revealed that Steven A. Steiner, 26, Browntown, WI, was traveling southbound on S Center St when he attempted to turn onto E Main St. At this time, Steiner lost control of his vehicle due to the snow covered road surface. The vehicle then exited the roadway and collided with a power pole. Steiner reported that he was not injured and that he was wearing his seat belt. The vehicle sustained functional damage and the airbags did not deploy. The vehicle was driven from the scene.
Motor Vehicle Crash:
At approximately 7:21 a.m., Deputies, Green County EMS, and the Monticello Fire Department, responded to the N6200 block of CTH N in the Town of Washington for a report of a single vehicle crash with injuries. Investigation revealed that Breanna L. McCoy, 16, Monticello, WI, was traveling northbound when she lost control of her vehicle due to the snow covered road surface. The vehicle then exited the roadway and struck a tree. McCoy reported that she was wearing her seatbelt and that she sustained a non-life threatening injury. The vehicle sustained damage and the airbags deployed. The vehicle was towed from the scene.
Motor Vehicle Crash:
At approximately 11:38 a.m., Deputies and Green County EMS responded to the N5200 block of STH 59 in the Town of Albany for a report of a single vehicle rollover crash. Investigation revealed that Felicia M. Conley, 23, Albany, WI, was traveling on STH 59 when she lost control of the vehicle due to the ice covered road surface. The vehicle then entered the ditch where it overturned. Conley reported that she was wearing her seatbelt. Conley sustained non-life threatening injuries and was transported to the Monroe Clinic Emergency Room by EMS. The vehicle sustained damage and the airbags did not deploy. The vehicle was towed from the scene.
The Albany Police Department and the Green County Highway Department assisted Deputies at the scene.